Nice to meet you here

I’m Kim

This is me in my body – just like you but different.

Here with my stories, my experiences, my lessons, my beliefs, my desires – just like you but different.

And it doesn’t matter if you don’t mind – I want to feel your energy.

Yin yoga



Energetic bodywork

Kim YourBodyKnows Energiewerk Kundalini lichaamswerk
Kim Delbarre Holistisch Behandelaar Energetisch Lichaamswerk Bodywork Gent

Every body has its journey

Lost and stuck off my path, I discovered the transformative power of somatic practices.

Because I was carrying a lot of stress and unprocessed emotions. Things I couldn’t get my mind around or put into words. That’s why I found working with the body so effective, as all this information is stored there.

Through practices like yin yoga, breathwork, kundalini activation and energetic bodywork, I found not only physical and emotional healing but also a profound sense of inner alignment.

Now, I guide others to discover this connection for themselves and hold space for release, growth and transformation.

My holistic approach

I integrate energy bodywork practices with a compassionate understanding of what it means to feel stuck or disconnected. Using a blend of ancient modalities, tantric wisdom and trauma-informed care, I focus on creating a safe, nurturing environment for holistic healing. Truly anyone can benefit from this work, which prevents health problems caused by accumulated tension in the body.

“Up to 95% of all health problems are stress related” – Dr. Bruce Lipton

Want to explore energetic bodywork? My one hour try-out session is the perfect way to experience it for yourself.
Holistic healing space energy bodywork